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Terms and Conditions of ECOTRIO LABS

General Terms and Conditions of Use



  1. Identification of the website owner

  2. Subject of the conditions and scope of application

  3. Access to the service

  4. Information displayed on the website

  5. Intellectual and industrial property

  6. Registration and access to the website and duration

  7. Responsibility

  8. Obligations of Users

  9. Privacy and protection of personal data.

  10. Cookies

  11. Purchase through the website

  12. General

  13. Links on the website

  14. Right of exclusion

  15. Modification of the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Duration

  16. Applicable law. Submission to jurisdictions.



When using or browsing the website and online shop of ECOTRIO LABS S.L. (hereinafter, "ECOTRIO LABS" or the "website"), it is essential that the user (hereinafter, the "User", or the "Client") reads and accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter, the "Conditions"), which apply to the services offered by ECOTRIO LABS, through the website ECOTRIOLABS.COM.

ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to modify or change these Conditions at any time. In the event of substantial modification, or where required by applicable law, Users who have a current relationship will be notified.

The translated versions of ECOTRIO LABS legal agreements and policies are provided solely for the user's understanding of the English versions. The translations of the legal agreements do not establish any legal binding and therefore do not replace the original English versions, nor do they have any validity. In case of conflict or dispute, this contractual relationship shall be governed by the English versions of the agreements and policies, and they shall prevail over the versions in other languages.


General Conditions of Use

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), the following information is provided:


1. Identification of the website owner

Company name: ECOTRIO LABS S.L.

Registered office: Calle Berna 2, 7.1, 03509 Finestrat, Alicante (Spain)

CIF: B05313481 / VAT: ESB05313481

Telephone: 633 41 25 29 (opening hours: weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)



If you have any questions and/or would like to request any information and/or send communications and/or submit corrections and/or comments about sales, orders, products, payments and shipments, you can do so through these channels:

Contact form that you will find on the ECOTRIO LABS customer service page .

By writing an e-mail to the customer service e-mail address:

Telephone: 633 41 25 29 (opening hours: weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

To expedite the management of any procedure, please provide the e-mail address with which you registered on the website and/or the order number, as well as the data and/or information that are relevant to identify and resolve the query efficiently.

ECOTRIO LABS will respond as promptly as possible and always within ten (10) working days of receipt.


2. Subject matter of the Conditions and scope of application

These Conditions apply to the use, registration and contracting through the ECOTRIO LABS website by any user, subject to acceptance by the user of the conditions governing the contracting, and are intended to regulate the provision of information provided on the website, as well as commercial transactions arising between ECOTRIO LABS and Users of the ECOTRIO domain.

ECOTRIO LABS may modify the website to make any changes and modifications it deems appropriate and believes necessary for the proper functionality of the same, at any time and without prior notice.

Any changes and/or new conditions will be effective from the moment of their publication in the "Terms and Conditions" section of the website. For this reason, users are invited to periodically access the website and consult the most updated version before making any purchase.

The applicable Conditions are those in force on the date of dispatch of the purchase order.


3. Access to the service

Both browsing the website and the purchase of any of the products offered on it, implies acceptance as a User, without reservations of any kind, of each and every one of the Conditions.

The aforementioned General Conditions of Use shall apply irrespective of the acceptance of the Contracting and Purchasing Conditions which, where applicable, are mandatory.


4. Website information

We make every effort to ensure that the information contained on the website is accurate and free of typographical errors. In the event that a typo should occur at any time, the User shall inform ECOTRIO LABS, which shall immediately proceed to correct it.

The User understands that the information displayed on the website is of an informative and/or commercial nature, and in no case replaces professional advice. In case of health-related doubts, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using products containing cannabidiol.


5. Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents published in the shop and especially the designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, as well as the software, commercial names, trademarks or industrial designs and any other signs susceptible of industrial and commercial use are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of ECOTRIO LABS or of third party owners of the same, who have duly authorised their inclusion in the website.

Under no circumstances shall it be understood that any licence is granted or that any waiver, transfer, total or partial assignment of said rights is made, nor shall any right or expectation of right be conferred, and in particular, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said contents without the prior express authorisation of ECOTRIO LABS or of the corresponding owners.

It is therefore forbidden to use the ECOTRIO LABS website for public or commercial purposes, and therefore the content of the website may not be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, transferred, transformed or used.

It is expressly forbidden to introduce hyperlinks for commercial purposes on websites not belonging to ECOTRIO LABS, which allow access to our website, without prior consent. In any case, the existence of hyperlinks on external websites does not imply in any case the existence of commercial or mercantile relations with the owner of the website where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by ECOTRIO LABS of its contents or services.

6. Registration and access to the website

In order to be able to register as a User and contract products or services on the website, the User must be over eighteen (18) years of age and have provided all the data required as obligatory, truthfully and lawfully.

The User assumes responsibility for the use of the website. This responsibility extends to any registration that may be necessary to access certain services or content. Likewise, the User assumes that the access data to his/her user account, such as the registration e-mail address and password, are personal and non-transferable.

The User shall provide the password in accordance with the rules of robustness and complexity established by ECOTRIO LABS, such as a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.

The User may change his/her password at any time, using the tools that ECOTRIO LABS makes available to him/her through the User area.

The User undertakes to make diligent use of his/her password and to keep it secret, and may not pass it on to third parties. Consequently, Users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords that they have selected during registration.

The data provided during user registration, as well as all the data provided subsequently by the User in the management of their private area and for the acquisition of services (such as the address for sending orders, telephone and any information), may be used by ECOTRIO LABS S.L. for sending communications. Said personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy and the User may revoke the processing of said data at any time through the channels indicated therein. Likewise, the User must understand that the mandatory data are necessary to comply with the established contractual or legal purposes. Therefore, if the user does not provide them, or wishes to delete them, it will not be possible to maintain the condition of registered user on the website or to attend to their future requests.


6.1. Duration

Access to the website as a registered User shall commence once the data required for registration has been entered, and upon acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

User registration and access to the User's private area shall be valid until the User requests to unsubscribe.

The User may enter the invoicing data once the purchase has been made. The data entered by the Client must be accurate, ECOTRIO LABS being exempt from liability in cases where the User, voluntarily or involuntarily, enters data that does not correspond to reality and these cause incidents of any kind.


6.2. Deregistration of registered user or cancellation of user registration

ECOTRIO LABS informs the User that he/she can close the user account at any time by sending an email to .

The email requesting the cancellation of the account must be sent from the same email account used during the registration of the user from whom the deletion is requested. In the event that this requirement is not met, the necessary information must be provided in order to correctly identify the owner of the user account. ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to request the identification of the User necessary to complete the deletion of the account.


6.3. Termination of the commercial communications service

ECOTRIO LABS sends promotional or other communications to its customers. When you register, you must accept the use of your data for these purposes. If you would like to know how your personal data is handled, please go to the Privacy Policy section.

When you unsubscribe from one of our communication services, you may continue to receive communications from ECOTRIO LABS through other channels you have joined until you unsubscribe separately from those programmes. However, the Client can always contact us to unsubscribe from all communications, or from those received through a particular channel. Details of these services are set out below:



ECOTRIO LABS uses an SMS messaging service to send communications to customers. By providing your email address, you agree to receive recurring automated commercial communications and personalised marketing messages (e.g. weekly promotions or advertising campaigns from ECOTRIO LABS). Therefore, by registering with ECOTRIO LABS, you also agree to the terms of use of the email manager service .

To stop receiving promotional emails, please send an email to indicating that you wish to unsubscribe from receiving promotional emails. You can also do this from the same email, using the link provided to manage or unsubscribe from these communications.



ECOTRIO LABS uses an SMS messaging service to send communications to customers. By providing your mobile phone number, you agree to receive recurring automated promotional and personalised marketing text messages (e.g. SMS/MMS cart reminders, sale notices, etc.) from ECOTRIO LABS via your mobile phone provider, unless and until you terminate permission under these Terms and Conditions. Therefore, by registering with ECOTRIO LABS, you also agree to the terms of use of the instant messaging service .


These messages include text messages that may be sent via an automated telephone dialling system, to the mobile number you provided at the time of registration, or to any other number you have provided. Consent to receive automated marketing text messages is not a condition of any purchase. Message and data rates may apply. The frequency of messages may vary. ECOTRIO LABS also reserves the right to change the short code or phone number from which messages are sent. Not all mobile devices or mobile phones may be compatible and our messages may not be delivered in all areas. ECOTRIO LABS, its service providers and mobile phone operators supported by the programme are not responsible for delayed or undelivered messages.

To unsubscribe from the SMS messaging service, send a text message with the keyword STOP, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE or QUIT to the phone number, long code or short code sent to you by our initial confirmation message to cancel. You will then receive an additional message confirming that your request has been processed. You are also advised that, on occasion, the text messaging platform may not recognise and respond to unsubscribe requests that do not include the STOP, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE or QUIT keyword commands and you agree that ECOTRIO LABS SL and its service providers shall have no liability for failure to comply with such requests. You can also send a text message with the keyword HELP to receive a text message with information on how to unsubscribe.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you acknowledge and agree that communications are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that in no event will ECOTRIO LABS or any party acting on behalf of ECOTRIO LABS be liable for: (a) any claim, proceeding, liability, obligation, damage or costs, in an aggregate amount that exceeds the greater of the amount you paid to ECOTRIO LABS hereunder or 100.00; or (b) any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, punitive or other damages. you agree even if ECOTRIO LABS has been advised of possible damages or losses arising or resulting in any way from or related to your use of the ECOTRIO LABS messaging program. ECOTRIO LABS and its representatives are not liable for the acts or omissions of third parties, including, but not limited to, delays or non-deliveries in the transmission of messages. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ECOTRIO LABS and affiliates from and against any claims, damages, liabilities, actions, causes of action, costs, expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, judgments or penalties of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with the communications.


7. Responsibility

The products presented on the website and in the online shop comply with Spanish legislation. The responsibility of ECOTRIO LABS cannot be invoked in the case of products that do not comply with the legislation of the countries to which they may have been sent according to the Customer's order. It is therefore up to Customers outside Spain to verify the possibility of importing or using the products they purchase from ECOTRIO LABS.

Access to the website is voluntary, and therefore the responsibility of the user, who shall be liable for any direct or indirect effect that may arise from the use of the website, including, but not limited to, any adverse economic, technical and/or legal result, as well as the disappointment of the expectations generated by our website, and the user undertakes to hold ECOTRIO LABS harmless for any claims arising, directly or indirectly, from such events.

ECOTRIO LABS is not responsible for any damages that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, faults and / or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system or in the devices and computer equipment of users, caused by reasons beyond the control of ECOTRIO LABS, that prevent or delay the provision of services or navigation through the shop, or delays or blockages in use caused by deficiencies or overloading of the Internet or other electronic systems, or the impossibility of providing the service or allowing access for reasons not attributable to ECOTRIO LABS, due to the user, third parties, or force majeure. ECOTRIO LABS does not control, in general, the use that users make of the website. In particular, ECOTRIO LABS does not guarantee under any circumstances that users use the website in accordance with the law, these Conditions, morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor that they do so in a diligent and prudent manner.

This merchant agrees not to permit any transaction that is illegal, or is deemed by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, that may or has the potential to damage the goodwill of, or negatively influence them. The following activities are prohibited under the card brands' programmes: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Customer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. In addition, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited: Selling prescription drugs illegally.


8. Obligations of Users

In general, the user is obliged to comply with these Conditions, as well as to comply with the special warnings or instructions for use contained in the same or on the website and always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using due diligence, and refraining from using the website in any way that may prevent, damage or deteriorate the normal operation of the same, the goods or rights of ECOTRIO LABS, its suppliers, other users or in general any third party.


Access to and use of the website is forbidden to minors -under eighteen (18) years of age- without the express consent of their parents. ECOTRIO LABS is not responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the data filled in by the user and therefore cannot verify the age of the user.

Specifically, and without this implying any restriction to the previous section during the use of the website, the User undertakes to:

a) To provide truthful information about the data requested in the user registration form or when placing an order, and to keep them up to date.

b) Not to enter, store or disseminate on or from the website any information or material that is defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honour, privacy or the image of third parties and, in general, current legislation.

c) Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the website any programme, data, virus, code or any other electronic or physical device that may cause damage to the website, to any of the services, or to any of the equipment, systems or networks of ECOTRIO LABS, of any other user, of the suppliers of ECOTRIO LABS or, in general, of any third party.

d) Diligently keep the "user name" and "password" provided by ECOTRIO LABS, assuming responsibility for any damages that may arise from improper use of the same.

e) Not to carry out advertising or commercial exploitation activities through the website, and not to use its contents and information to send advertising, or to send messages for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.

f) Not to use false identities or impersonate others when using the website or any of its services, including the use of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way.

g) Not to destroy, alter, use for use, render useless or damage the data, information, programmes or electronic documents of ECOTRIO, its suppliers or third parties.

h) Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the shop any content that infringes the intellectual or industrial property rights or business secrets of third parties, or in general any content of which it does not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make it available to third parties.

The Client undertakes to enable the delivery of the requested order by providing a delivery address to which the requested order can be delivered within the normal delivery schedule of goods. In the event of non-compliance by the Client with this obligation, ECOTRIO LABS shall have no liability for the delay or impossibility of delivery of the order requested by the Client.


9. Privacy and protection of personal data.

For the purposes of the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as R.D. 1720/2007 of 21 December approving the regulation that develops the L.O. 15/1999, ECOTRIO LABS informs you of the existence of a personal data file created by and under the responsibility of ECOTRIO LABS with the data obtained on the website ECOTRIOLABS.COM. The purpose of this file is to manage your contractual relationship with us, as well as to carry out our own or third party promotional and advertising activities by any means, both by telephone and by sending commercial messages by e-mail, SMS text messages, etc., which may be of interest to you, based on the study and segmentation of the data collected while browsing the website, the data provided by filling in any form, as well as those derived from the commercial relationship or delivery of the products purchased. If you do not wish to receive advertising, simply log in to your account and deactivate the sending of newsletters and information.

ECOTRIO LABS undertakes to use the data included in the file, to respect their confidentiality and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the file, as well as to comply with its obligation to store them and to adapt all measures to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Security Measures for automated files containing personal data, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December. Our secure server guarantees the privacy of the data you transmit to us. This privacy is achieved by means of the SSL protocol, encrypting the data sent using the RSA encryption system, so that no one can appropriate them as they do not have the necessary key. You can check that your browser is secure if the padlock symbol appears and you can also see that the URL changes slightly: it no longer begins with http but with https.


10. Cookies

The ECOTRIOLABS.COM website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files generated by the web pages you visit, which contain session data that may be useful later on in the website. The data allows the website to keep your information between pages, and also to analyse how you interact with the site.

This website uses cookies generated and used by this website and some are "external cookies" that are generated on our website by third parties. They allow us to remember every part of your visits and purchases as you progress through the website, remember customer data and display appropriate content according to your browsing habits, based on your selected options. They also help us to understand user behaviour within our website, which means we can improve your experience across the site.

Cookies can only store text, usually always anonymous and encrypted. ECOTRIO will never store any personal information in cookies.

Cookies are secure because they can only store information that is put in place by the browser, which is information that the user has entered into the browser or that which is included in the page request. It cannot execute code and cannot be used to access your computer. If a website encrypts cookie information, only the website can read the information.

Session cookies contain information that is used within your current browser session. These cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Nothing is retained on your computer beyond the time you spend on the website. Persistent cookies are used to store information that is used between visits. This data allows websites to recognise that you are a returning Customer and to react accordingly. Persistent cookies have an indefinite value over time.

Cookies are used by the website to maintain your session as you move through the site, collect information about your purchasing and spending habits, once logged in. They are used to display relevant products within your future visits.

We also work with partners who create third party cookies, which are then used on other websites to advertise appropriately and relevantly based on your browsing history. These cookies do not store personal information, only allow other websites to identify you and are based solely on your browsing history.

The applications we use to collect cookies and obtain information about your user session are:

Google Analytics




Google Tag Manager and other services

All Internet browsers allow you to limit the behaviour of a cookie or disable cookies within your browser settings or options. The steps to do this are different for each browser, instructions can be found in the help menu of your browser:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge



Disabling cookies will also affect the tracking of your progress through the site, but will not stop the Google Analytics code from recognising your visit.

Session cookies on this website include data used by the web server hardware about which server is processing your session, your authentication status (in the Customer Online Shop database) and details of your purchases.

Duty to provide information: Revision (GLT) of Article 22 of the LSSI

Service providers may use data storage and retrieval devices on recipients' terminal equipment, provided that the recipients have given their consent after having been provided with clear and complete information on their use, in particular on the purposes of the data processing, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data. Where technically possible and effective, the consent of the recipient to accept the processing of the data may be provided through the use of appropriate browser settings or other applications. The foregoing shall not prevent the possible storage or access of a technical nature for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network or, to the extent strictly necessary, for the provision of an information society service expressly requested by the recipient.

It will be understood that the user consents to the use of cookies if he/she decides to continue browsing the website.

All Internet browsers allow you to limit the behaviour of a cookie or disable cookies within your browser settings or options. The steps to do this are different for each browser, instructions can be found in the help menu of your browser. For more information, you should consult Privacy Policy.

10.1. Data processing and use of cookies

In accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data and other applicable regulations on the subject, we inform you that the personal data you provide through our website or by sending emails will be processed by ECOTRIO LABS as data controller in order to carry out the registration of users, carry out the transactions requested, as well as receive periodic notifications by electronic means.

The legitimacy of the processing lies in the provision of the services requested. You can find more information about the processing of your data in the Privacy Policy, which you must read, understand and accept in order to use, contract services or purchase from ECOTRIO LABS.

Data may be provided to contractual partners of ECOTRIO LABS for the execution of orders, such as order handling, processing, payment and delivery. The information is also collected and stored for security reasons, in compliance with legal and regulatory obligations. In addition, the information collected enables ECOTRIO LABS to send promotional offers and establish business relationships with the Customer.

In the forms in which personal data is collected, each user will be informed of the purposes for which the data is collected. The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided.

ECOTRIO LABS undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to protect them, and has therefore adopted the necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, taking into account the state of technology at all times.

On the other hand, ECOTRIO LABS informs the User that when visiting its website no personal data that identifies a user is automatically recorded, but there is certain information of a non-personal nature and not identifiable with a specific user that is collected during the live session through devices called "cookies" that allow us to obtain statistical information on the use of the website in order to subsequently be able to introduce improvements. All users should consult our Cookies Policy to browse the website.

In any case, all Users have the right to exercise, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, suppression, opposition, limitation of processing and portability of data, by writing to our data protection officer at the e-mail address .


11. Purchase through the website

The User may purchase the products described on the website by filling in the purchase form with their billing and shipping details, and accepting the General Conditions of Use, Contracting and Purchase, as well as the Privacy Policy.


12. General

The headings of the different clauses are for information purposes only, and shall not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of these Conditions. Likewise, ECOTRIO LABS may modify the conditions determined here, totally or partially, publishing any change in the same form in which they are published or through any type of communication addressed to the Users.

The temporary validity of the present Conditions coincides, therefore, with the time of their exhibition, until they are totally or partially modified, at which time the modified Conditions will come into force.

ECOTRIO LABS may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the contents of the Web, without the possibility for the User to claim any compensation. After such termination, the specifications for the use of the contents set out in these Conditions shall remain in force.

In the event of any conflict or discrepancy arising in the interpretation or application of these contractual conditions, the Courts and Tribunals which, where applicable, shall hear the matter shall be those provided for in the applicable legal regulations on competent jurisdiction, in which, in the case of end consumers, the place of fulfilment of the obligation or the place of domicile of the Customer.

In the event that the purchaser is domiciled outside Spain, or that the sale is made by a company, both parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Alicante (Spain).

The Conditions shall be kept in electronic format by ECOTRIO LABS and shall be permanently available to the User.

ECOTRIO LABS will pursue the breach of these Conditions as well as any improper use of its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.


13. Links on the website

On websites that can be consulted via links on the ECOTRIO LABS website or on its services (such as social networks, SMS messaging services, postal mail, email marketing):

In the event that the website contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet websites, ECOTRIO LABS shall not exercise any control over such sites and content.

ECOTRIO LABS does not carry out any control and/or monitoring of these links. Therefore, ECOTRIO LABS is not responsible for the content of these sites or for any error and/or omission and/or violation of the law by them. Under no circumstances will ECOTRIO LABS assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to an external website, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accuracy, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any such hyperlinks or other Internet sites. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections does not imply any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.

It is expressly forbidden to introduce hyperlinks for commercial purposes on websites not belonging to ECOTRIO LABS that allow access to this website without the express consent of ECOTRIO LABS. In any case, the existence of hyperlinks on websites not belonging to ECOTRIO LABS shall in no case imply the existence of commercial or mercantile relations with the owner of the website where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by ECOTRIO LABS.


14. Right of exclusion

ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or at the request of a third party, to those Users who do not comply with these Conditions.


15. Modification of the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Duration

ECOTRIO LABS may modify at any time the conditions determined here, being duly published as they appear here. The validity of the aforementioned conditions will depend on their exposure and will be in force until they are duly published and modified by others.


17. Applicable law and jurisdiction

Access to and use of the website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law.

Any dispute arising from the interpretation and/or application of these Conditions that is related to the same shall be resolved, if possible out of court. In the event that the parties resort to legal proceedings, the Courts of the city of Alicante shall have jurisdiction, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.


Conditions of Contract and Purchase


  1. Identification of the website owner

  2. Subject of the Terms and Conditions of Contract and Purchase

  3. Access to the shopping and ordering service

  4. Duration

  5. Information displayed on the website, blog, product sheets and their usage

  6. Prices

  7. Shipping costs

  8. Methods of payment

  9. Receipts and invoices

  10. Sending

  11. Refunds and cancellations

  12. Product warranty

  13. Modifications

  14. Integrity

  15. General

  16. Applicable law. Submission to jurisdictions




When using or browsing the website and making purchases through the online shop of ECOTRIO LABS S.L. (hereinafter, "ECOTRIO LABS" or the "website"), it is essential that the user (hereinafter, the "User", or the "Customer") reads and accepts these Terms and Conditions of Contract and Purchase (hereinafter, "the Conditions"), which apply to the services offered by ECOTRIO LABS, through the website ECOTRIOLABS.COM.

ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to modify or change these Conditions at any time. In the event of substantial modification, or where required by applicable law, Users who have a current relationship will be notified.


1. Identification of the website owner

Company name: ECOTRIO LABS S.L.

Registered office: Calle Berna 2, 7.1, 03509 Finestrat, Alicante (Spain)

VAT NUMBER: B05313481

VAT: ESB05313481

Telephone: 633 41 25 29



Contact, questions and incidents about your purchases or orders

The satisfaction and trust of our customers is our top priority. If you have any questions and/or would like to request any information and/or send communications and/or complaints and/or submit corrections and/or comments about sales, orders, products, payments and shipments, you can do so through these channels:


Contact form you will find on the ECOTRIO LABS contact page .

By writing an e-mail to the customer service e-mail address: .

Telephone: 633 41 25 29 (opening hours: weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

To expedite the management of any procedure, please provide the e-mail address with which you registered on the website and/or the order number, as well as the data and/or information that are relevant to identify and resolve the query efficiently.

We will be happy to help you.


2. Subject of the Terms and Conditions of Contract and Purchase

The Conditions apply to the use and registration on the ECOTRIO LABS website by any user, subject to the user's acceptance of the conditions governing the contract.

The Terms and Conditions apply to the national and European territory. They do not regulate the sale of ECOTRIO LABS products by third parties. Nor do they regulate transactions carried out through advertisements and products that are present on the website by means of links, banners, videos, photos or other types of links.

Before engaging in commercial transactions with third parties, it is necessary to consult their terms and conditions of service. ECOTRIO LABS is not responsible for the sale of products by such parties.


3. Access to the shopping and ordering service

By browsing, registering and/or making a purchase on the ECOTRIO LABS website, the User declares that he/she is over eighteen (18) years of age and has the legal capacity to enter into contracts.

Access to the online shop and sales services provided through the website is reserved exclusively for users over the age of eighteen (18).

Access to and/or use of this website confers on the user the condition of User, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the Conditions reflected herein.

To place an order or make a purchase, it is necessary to connect to the website and register as a user, filling in the relevant data correctly, lawfully and truthfully. To proceed with the purchase of products, you must add the product you wish to purchase to the basket or shopping cart, according to the indications shown on the screen, filling in the order form provided and validating it. At the end of the registration process, the User must accept the present Contracting and Purchasing Conditions, as well as our Privacy Policy.

The validation of the order or purchase by the Customer expressly implies knowledge and acceptance of these Conditions as part of the conclusion of the contract.

ECOTRIOLABS.COM will file the electronic document in which the purchase is formalised, and this will be accessible from the user's private area, in the order history.

ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders that come (I) from a user with whom it has an ongoing legal dispute or financial debt with ECOTRIO LABS; (II) from a user who has previously violated the Terms; (III) by a user who has been involved in fraud of any kind and, in particular, in fraud related to credit card payments; (IV) by a User who has submitted false, incomplete, or in any case inaccurate identification data, or who has failed to promptly send to ECOTRIO LABS the documents requested by ECOTRIO LABS in the following procedure or who has submitted invalid documents.

The Client is also obliged to find out whether the law and/or regulations of his/her country permit or authorise the purchase of the products offered for sale by ECOTRIO LABS, considering them to be legal. The Client acknowledges that, by accepting these Conditions, he/she holds ECOTRIO LABS harmless from any liability arising from the purchase of the product if this violates the law of the country where the product is sold. Therefore, in such cases the Client expressly indemnifies ECOTRIO LABS for any violation of the law, assuming all liability.

The data entered by the Client to place the order must be accurate. ECOTRIO LABS cannot be held responsible for any damage caused in the event that the Client, voluntarily or involuntarily, enters data that does not correspond to reality and causes interference with the service (e.g.: Delivery error due to incorrectly entered postal address).

ECOTRIO LABS ships orders after having received confirmation of the authorisation of payment of the total amount due, consisting of the purchase price, shipping costs, if applicable, and any additional costs of the purchase. In the event that payment of the total amount due is not authorised, or the successful outcome of the payment is not confirmed, the purchase contract shall be deemed to be terminated by operation of law.


4. Duration

In case of purchase, the Customer's data will remain stored by ECOTRIO LABS until the purchase has been made, and for the time necessary for ECOTRIO LABS to diligently fulfil its obligations, to process the order and for accounting purposes and, in any case, in accordance with the law.

The Client may enter the billing information once the purchase has been made. The data entered by the Client must be truthful, and ECOTRIO LABS shall not be liable in the event that the Client, voluntarily or involuntarily, enters data that does not correspond to reality.


5. Information displayed on the website, blog, product sheets and their use

All ECOTRIO LABS products are for external use and are intended for lawful and legal use.

Hemp is the term commonly used to refer to the variety of Cannabis sativa L. cultivated for industrial purposes. Its cultivation in the European Union is legally permitted, as it does not exceed the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content limits of 0.2% set by the European Union in Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down rules for direct payments to farmers under support schemes included in the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 637/2008 and (EC) No 73/2009.

ECOTRIO LABS CBD products keep THC levels within the legal THC limit and do not produce psychoactive or addictive effects.


With regard to hemp-derived foods authorised for marketing in the European Union, only those derived exclusively from hemp seeds, e.g. hemp oil, hemp protein, hemp seed snacks, have a history of safe and meaningful consumption, and provided they are derived from Cannabis sativa L. varieties with a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content below the legal limit of 0.3%.

According to Spanish legislation and the decision of the European Commission in its official application to EFSA on "food supplements", some of the products offered on the website are not fit for human consumption, following the specifications of each product.

With regard to products containing cannabidiol (commonly called CBD) and other cannabinoids, as well as extracts and traces of parts of the Cannabis sativa L. plant (flowers, leaves and stems), these are not considered as novel foods as no history of significant and safe consumption could be demonstrated in the European Union before May 1997. (flowers, leaves and stems), these are not considered as novel foods as no history of significant and safe consumption could be demonstrated in the European Union before 15 May 1997 and therefore fall under the scope of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 25 November 2015 on novel foods, amending Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1852/2001.

Industrial hemp is listed in the European Commission's Common Catalogue of Varieties of Plant Species and Agricultural Species. The products placed on the market are intended for external body use, in order to cleanse, perfume, protect and maintain the human body in good condition (EC Regulation 1223/2009).

Based on the aforementioned regulations, we inform you that the products with cannabidiol offered on our website are not food products. The ECOTRIO LABS CBD products are also not medicinal products. All cannabidiol products on our website are for external use and are intended for legal and lawful use. ECOTRIO LABS S.L. expressly informs customers of the uses of some of its products offered for sale: CBD cannabis flowers are intended for decorative, aromatic and/or collector use only. CBD oils and creams with cannabidiol are for topical and/or cosmetic use. ECOTRIO LABS S.L. is not responsible for the final use made by its purchasers.

Likewise, ECOTRIO LABS S.L. indicates that the information shown in this section on the laws in force is for information purposes and may change over time, depending on the decisions of each country, or even regional regulations. It is up to the user to know the legislation of their country with respect to the use of our products. ECOTRIO LABS S.L. is not responsible for the legislative changes in each country that affect these regulations, nor for the consequences derived from them.

Users are cautioned that CBD products on our website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. If you are undergoing medical treatment, have been diagnosed with or are pregnant, or are breastfeeding, please consult your physician before using any CBD products.

It is the Client's responsibility to make correct use of the website and the products purchased through the website. ECOTRIO LABS S.L. accepts no responsibility under any circumstances for the improper or illegal use of CBD products by customers or third parties.

None of the information made available to the User through the ECOTRIO LABS website, such as product sheets or blog, or any other channel, such as social networks, print media, brochures, catalogues, commercial postal communications, email marketing or SMS messaging, constitutes a medical recommendation or a substitute for any diagnosis or professional treatment.

Each product offered on the website is accompanied by a product sheet, consisting of a description and images. These images and descriptions reproduce the characteristics of the products as closely as possible to reality. The product descriptions must be understood as a commercial, creative and even poetic text, based on subjective perceptions, which shall in no case be taken as medical recommendations. The colours of the products may differ from the real ones, due to the configuration of the display devices. Product images may differ in size or in relation to any accessory products. Therefore, images should be taken as a guide only.

It is also reminded that the texts and images are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of ECOTRIO LABS or third party owners of the same. Therefore, these texts and images may not be copied and reproduced in other media without prior express authorisation.

If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown in the online shop and a Customer has made a purchase decision based on this error, we will inform the Customer of this error and the Customer will have the right to cancel the purchase without any cost on their part.

Similarly, it is possible that the contents of the website may sometimes show provisional information on some products. In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the characteristics of the product, the Customer shall have the right to cancel the purchase without any cost on their part.


6. Prices

The prices of the products offered through the website are expressed in Euros (€) and include Value Added Tax (VAT). Prices may vary depending on the User (wholesale accounts, individuals and others).

Product prices may be subject to price variations due to fluctuations in market costs and promotions.

ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to modify the current prices and/or apply discounts on them at any time, without prior notice.

Shipping costs and any other additional costs, including VAT and expressed in Euros (€), shall be expressly and separately indicated in the order form, before the User proceeds with the purchase.

Purchases are invoiced at the price of the rate in force at the time of the order, except for promotions and/or campaigns.

In any case, the Customer will be shown the final price, including taxes and shipping costs, at the time of the actual purchase.


7. Shipping costs

Shipping and/or handling costs are not included in the price and will be shown to you before you finalise your purchase, depending on the delivery address of each order.

The Customer will be able to know the shipping costs once the products have been selected and always before the purchase is formalised.


Table of shipping costs depending on the area:

Mainland Spain: €14, FREE from €250 onwards

Balearic Islands, Canary Islands and international shipments: to be consulted on the website before completing the purchase (variable depending on the transport company).

ECOTRIO LABS is not responsible for the taxes and customs duties that some countries apply to the entry of foreign shipments.

Delivery charges include two delivery attempts. After these attempts, the order will be returned to our warehouse and the Customer will have to pay the shipping costs again to receive the shipment.

In case of cancellation of the order, the full amount will be paid except for the transport costs and the commission of the payment method used, if applicable, depending on the mechanism you have used for payment.


8. Methods of payment

Payment shall be made by the means made available on the website. Payment may be made through the Monei payment gateway or by bank transfer.

The User, when making the payment through the corresponding payment platform or gateway, must accept the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of the payment service provider.

Once the payment has been validated, ECOTRIO LABS will proceed to prepare the product in the warehouse and proceed to ship it.

Payments in foreign currencies: Payments are generally made in euros (€). In cases of currency exchange, the bank is responsible for the transaction and the currency exchange, which may cause a difference between the total amount of your purchase and the charge on the card. This small difference will in some cases be favourable to the Client, and in others, unfavourable, but cannot be controlled by ECOTRIO LABS. Therefore, ECOTRIO LABS cannot accept any liability with regard to this issue.


9. Receipts and invoices

The purchase receipt will be issued automatically with each purchase. On the occasion of the first purchase, the user will be asked to provide the data for the header of the receipt.

For the issue of the receipt, the information provided by the user will be authentic, which he/she declares and guarantees as true, undertaking to hold ECOTRIO LABS harmless and exonerated from any damage, including penalties imposed by the competent authorities, which may arise in the event of non-conformity with the veracity of the information provided by the Client.

The User can modify personal data, delivery addresses and invoicing data in his/her private user area.

In case of errors, or for billing issues, please contact clearly indicating the subject, order number, tax ID, as well as all relevant details, such as the data to be corrected or a contact telephone number, in order to resolve the issue efficiently.


10. Shipment of the purchase

10.1. Conditions of dispatch

If your order does not comply with any of the shipping conditions, we will contact you to inform you of the actual price of transport, so that you can pay the difference, or to make the cancellation of the order. Our shipping conditions are as follows:

a) Rates valid for a total weight of the order not exceeding 2 kg. Total weight is considered to be the weight of the order prepared for shipment, not just the sum of the weights of the products purchased.

b) Rates valid as long as the total order does not exceed 150 cm adding the width+length+height of the box containing the products of the order (*).

c) Shipping prices may be affected by fuel price increases. The price of fuel is set by the transport companies, so it is possible that when we try to ship your order the price may have changed, so we will inform you of the new price.

d) Shipments may contain up to a maximum of 4 packages. If your order exceeds the number of packages, even if it does not exceed the weight, we will inform you of the total transport price.


ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to cancel the shipment of any order when:


  • The shipping destination is for an area outside of our coverage.

  • When the delivery address has been altered or is unreachable due to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, etc., or for cadastral reasons. The procedure in this case is to contact us to provide a provisional delivery address.

  • The requested products are extremely fragile to withstand the available means of transport.

  • When there was a first attempt and the products sent have not withstood the conditions of the journey. In this case, the purchase amount will be refunded without resending the order.

  • When the quantity requested exceeds the maximum dimensions and volumes for easy handling by transport services.

If part of the contents of a purchase are damaged in transit, ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right not to resend the damaged products, and to reimburse the Customer for the cost of these products, in particular for international destinations, where we cannot ensure the care of the shipment by our particular transport agency.

Delivery times depend on the availability of each product, which is indicated on each and every one of the products offered. In orders that include several items, preferably a single shipment will be made and the delivery time will correspond to the item with the longest delivery time. If, for stock reasons, the availability of any product is affected, ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to make two or more partial deliveries.

Unjustified delays in delivery of more than fourteen (14) calendar days shall entitle the Customer to cancellation of the order placed and the corresponding refund of the amount paid by the Customer, which may be returned within one (1) month of cancellation of the order.

Delays due to force majeure, such as holidays, weather, strikes, or any other delay attributable to the company delivering the products or causes beyond the control of ECOTRIO LABS, cannot be attributed to ECOTRIO LABS, and therefore the cancellation cannot be exercised until the Client receives the product at the address provided.

Likewise, ECOTRIO LABS is not responsible for any setback that may arise as a result of the purchase coming from a country outside the European Union (EU). It is the Client's responsibility to know the local regulations and to act within the legality of the same.


10.2. Order processing times

From 09:00 to 15:00 hours. Orders placed outside these hours will be processed on the next working day. Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays will be processed on the next working day, under the conditions indicated above.

There is the possibility of cancelling, changing or modifying the order free of charge, when it has not been sent. To do so, you should contact ECOTRIO LABS as soon as possible (before 13:30 hours) by e-mail at or by calling the customer service telephone number 633 41 25 29.


10.3. Delivery schedules

Deliveries are made from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 7 pm. No deliveries are made on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays will be counted and packed on the first working day following the public holiday, taking into account the Alicante working calendar and the corresponding agreement.


10.4. Delivery deadlines

The date of delivery to the Customer's home depends on the availability of the chosen product and the delivery area.

Delivery times for domestic purchases range from 48 to 72 working hours. In rural areas far from urban centres, deliveries can be made after 72 working hours.

Delivery times at EU level - within the EU - range from 72 hours to 5 working days.

International delivery times would be between 7 and 14 working days.

Delivery times may be altered due to extraordinary incidents such as: Customs inspections, strikes, extreme weather phenomena, even resolutions and security measures applied by some countries at specific times.


10.5. Transport company

Home delivery will be made by the company indicated on the website at the time of purchase. ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to use other carriers, always respecting compliance with the delivery method chosen by the Customer and the delivery times indicated.

Most of the transport companies we work with allow you to track your order. If this is the case in your area or country, when you make a purchase, the shipping company will automatically send an email with the link and codes needed to track your order.


10.6. Delivery and receipt of the order

It is the Customer's responsibility to check the condition of the product delivered. When the order is delivered, it is advisable to check that the packaging is intact, undamaged and in no way altered. In the event of any anomaly, the Customer is invited, in his interest, to indicate this on the delivery note on receipt of the package, accepting the order with reservation.

The unreserved receipt of the goods, in fact, does not allow a claim against the carrier in case of loss or damage to the goods, except in the case where the loss or damage is due to wilful or gross negligence of the courier himself and with the exception of partial loss or damage not recognisable at the time of delivery, provided that in the latter case, the damage is reported as soon as it becomes known and no later than seven (7) days after receipt.

In case of damage or damage to the packaging, envelope or shipping box, upon receipt of the package: take photos and notify . In this way, we will be able to deal with the problem quickly and it will be more convenient for the Customer.

In any case, the rules on the right of withdrawal and the legal guarantee of conformity continue to apply.

The risk of loss or damage to the products, for reasons not attributable to ECOTRIO LABS, is transferred to the Client when the latter, or a third party designated by the same, and different from the carrier, materially comes into possession of the product.


11. Refunds and cancellations

If you are not satisfied, you can easily return your purchases by contacting ECOTRIO LABS. 

ECOTRIO LABS authorises the return of products in perfect condition within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date of purchase (individuals).

We want to guarantee total customer satisfaction and their security and confidence when ordering from our website and physical shop. This initiative is framed within the vision that we apply in terms of customer service and the close and friendly treatment that we want to give to the people who support the project, choosing the brand and investing their money in what we offer.

To exercise your right of withdrawal in relation to an order, simply contact customer services ( and indicate the order number and the e-mail address used to place the order. We would be grateful if you could complete the return request indicating the reason for the return and any additional comments and/or photos, which may help us to understand the problem and enable us to work towards meeting your expectations. At ECOTRIO LABS we evaluate each case of return and take the appropriate measures to ensure that customers are always happy.

The ECOTRIO LABS team will contact you to give you an appropriate response and will indicate the next steps to follow and send the product or products you wish to return.

For wholesale customers, the maximum period for the return of orders is 15 calendar days.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, in accordance with the provisions of Article 103 of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users, the Customer may not cancel the Product if it is unsealed. In other words, the product or products to be returned must be returned in the condition in which they were delivered, including their seals, unless the product is returned because it is defective. The product must not have been opened or altered and must not show signs of use.

In orders in which, due to promotion or amount, shipping costs have not been charged, these will be discounted, except in the case of defective or wrong product, and the remaining amount will be refunded.

Once the right of withdrawal has been correctly exercised, the refund of the amount of the returned product or products will be made within a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of the product in the warehouses, ECOTRIO LABS will pay on the invoice originally issued and reimburse the Customer the full amount of the purchase, excluding shipping costs. Such reimbursement shall be subject to the right of ECOTRIO LABS to withhold amounts for returned products that are damaged.

The Client must provide the bank details required for the refund. ECOTRIO LABS will not be held responsible for any delay in crediting the money depending on the bank, the type of credit card or the payment solution used.

For the Customer's convenience, ECOTRIO LABS offers the possibility of reimbursement in the form of shop coupons. The conditions of the coupons will be informed to the Customer by the customer service team.


11.1. Stock and availability of products

The products offered on ECOTRIO LABS have a limited stock. The Client understands the possibility that several users may purchase the same product at the same time, and that, on specific occasions, the product purchased may not be available after the purchase has been made.

In these cases, ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to replace the unavailable products with other similar options available, or to contact the Client to inform of the lack of stock and seek a joint solution, whether it be the replacement of the product with another, a purchase voucher or a refund. Therefore, the user shall have the right to immediately terminate the contract in the event of unavailability of any product. In the event that the user makes use of the right of withdrawal, ECOTRIO LABS will reimburse the amount paid without undue delay and, in any case, within a maximum period of 14 working days from the dispatch of the order.

In the case of the purchase of several products, when one of them is not available, the amount proportional to the unavailable product will be refunded.


11.2. Refunds in case of non-deliveries

When it is not possible to deliver the order to the address indicated at the time of purchase, the courier service normally makes two attempts. In the event that the package is returned to our warehouse, we can resend it, but in this case the costs of the second shipment will be borne by the Customer.

When for any reason beyond the control of ECOTRIO LABS (withdrawal, incidents, address not found, incomplete, Customers not located), we have to refund amounts paid, only the amounts of the products requested in the order will be refunded, when the package is returned to our shop the shipping costs will be borne by the Customer.


11.3. Refunds in case of use of promotions, coupons and special discounts

When the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal on an order placed with a discount subject to applicable minimum amount conditions: If the amount of the returned items brings the remaining sum of the order below the minimum charge applicable to the discount, the amount of the discount will be subtracted from the refund.


11.4. Defective products

If you receive a defective product, you must notify ECOTRIO LABS as soon as possible via email (, with the details of the order, as well as attaching any detailed photo of the defect, whenever possible, for the rapid identification of the problem and action by ECOTRIO LABS.

The Customer has a period of seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the product to report the defective product.

The defective product will be returned in the same condition as it was received. Once ECOTRIO LABS receives the defective product, it will send you another one. In this case, the exchange will always be made for the same article or reference.

You will only be billed for the first shipment, ECOTRIO LABS will pay for the return and new shipment. If you wish to exchange for another article (different reference), the return and reshipment costs will not be borne by ECOTRIO LABS.


11.5. Product which, by mistake, does not correspond to the order placed

ECOTRIO LABS will bear the cost of collection of the wrong product and delivery of the product corresponding to the one ordered.


11.6. Errors in consent by ECOTRIO LABS

In case of error in the price of a product offered, ECOTRIO LABS reserves the right to cancel or cancel the order. This point refers to incorrect offers or erroneous discount coupons, whose discount or final price of the product is substantially lower than the advertised or normal price of the product, far from any reasonable offer, and the result of a human and/or computer error (examples: products at 0€, when a coupon gives a higher discount than the one offered, or when a coupon is used erroneously, resulting in a very low sale amount).


12. Product warranty

Always keep the receipt or invoice of the purchase, as well as the delivery note, if this is subsequent. This will enable you to prove non-conformities or defects and to make appropriate claims in the event that your warranty rights are infringed.

The warranty shall be as stipulated by the manufacturer of the product and, in any case, in accordance with the law.

The Customer may complain if the product is not in conformity with the contract:


a) The purchased good does not conform to the description provided by ECOTRIO LABS.

(b) the purchased good is not fit for the purposes for which consumer goods of the same type are normally used.

c) It is not suitable for the special use requested by the Client and accepted by ECOTRIO LABS.

d) It does not present the expected quality and performance, especially taking into account the public statements (advertising, brochures, labelling...) on its specific characteristics made by ECOTRIO LABS or the manufacturer.


The Client has the right to:

- Repair and/or replacement. The Customer may opt for repair or replacement, unless one of the two options is impossible or disproportionate. The one with the higher cost shall be considered disproportionate. Non-fungible goods (when they are of a specific nature) cannot be replaced. Both repair and replacement must be carried out within a reasonable period of time and completely free of charge for the Customer.

- Processing of the guarantee: The Customer may process the guarantee by contacting ECOTRIO LABS at or by telephone on 633 41 25 29.


13. Modifications

ECOTRIO LABS may revise and amend these Terms and Conditions of Purchase at any time.


The User shall be subject to the Contracting and Purchasing Policies and Conditions in force at the time he/she uses this website or makes each transaction, unless we are required by law or government agency decision to make retroactive changes to such policies, Conditions or Privacy Policy, in which case any such changes will also affect orders previously placed by the User.


14. Integrity

These Terms and Conditions of Contract and Purchase, as well as any document expressly referred to herein, constitute the entire agreement between the User and ECOTRIO LABS in relation to the subject matter hereof and supersede any prior agreements, understandings or promises made between the User and ECOTRIO LABS, whether oral or in writing.

The User and ECOTRIO LABS acknowledge that they have consented to the conclusion of a contract without having relied on any statement or promise made by the other party or which could be inferred from any statement or writing in the prior negotiations between them, except as expressly mentioned in these Conditions.

Neither the User nor ECOTRIO LABS shall have any remedy in respect of any misrepresentation made by the other party, whether oral or written, prior to the date of a contract (unless such misrepresentation was made fraudulently) and the only remedy available to the other party shall be for breach of contract in accordance with the provisions of these Conditions.

If any of these Conditions or any provision of a contract is declared null and void by a final decision of a competent authority, the remaining Conditions of Contract and Purchase shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by such declaration of nullity.


15. General

The headings of the different clauses are for information purposes only, and shall not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of these Contracting and Purchasing Conditions. Likewise, ECOTRIO LABS may modify the conditions determined here, totally or partially, publishing any change in the same form in which they are published or through any type of communication addressed to the Users.

The temporary validity of these Conditions coincides, therefore, with the time of their exhibition, until they are totally or partially modified, at which time the new modified document will come into force.

ECOTRIO LABS may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without notice, access to the contents of the website, without the possibility for the User to claim any compensation. After such termination, the specifications for use of the contents set out above in these Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall remain in force.

The failure of ECOTRIO LABS to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained herein shall not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledged and agreed to in writing by ECOTRIO LABS.

The Conditions of Contract and Purchase will be kept in electronic format by ECOTRIO LABS and will be permanently available to the User.

ECOTRIO LABS will pursue the breach of these Conditions as well as any improper use of its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.


16. Applicable law. Submission to jurisdictions.

Access to and use of the website, as well as purchase and sale transactions, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law.

Any dispute arising from the interpretation and/or application of these Conditions which relates to these Conditions shall, if possible, be settled out of court.

In the event of any conflict or discrepancy arising in the interpretation or application of these contractual conditions, the Courts and Tribunals which, where applicable, shall hear the matter shall be those provided for in the applicable legal regulations on competent jurisdiction, in which, in the case of end consumers, the place of fulfilment of the obligation or the place of domicile of the purchasing party shall be taken into account.

In the event that the purchaser is domiciled outside Spain, or that the sale is made by a company, both parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Alicante (Spain).


These Conditions are current as of 15 March 2024.


"This merchant agrees not to permit any transaction that is illegal, or is deemed by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, that may or has the potential to damage the goodwill of, or negatively influence them. The following activities are prohibited under the card brands' programmes: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Customer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. In addition, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited: - Selling medicines".


In accordance with art. 141-sexies, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 (Consumer Code), ECOTRIO LABS informs the user who has the status of consumer in accordance with art. 3, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Consumer Code, that, in the event that he/she has submitted a complaint directly to ECOTRIO LABS as a result of which it has not been possible to resolve the dispute thus arising, ECOTRIO LABS will provide information on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Body or Bodies for the out-of-court settlement of disputes relating to obligations arising from a contract concluded under these General Conditions of Sale (the so-called ADR bodies, as referred to in articles 141-bis et seq. Consumer Code), specifying whether you intend to use these bodies to resolve the dispute.

ECOTRIO LABS also informs the user who has the status of consumer in accordance with art. 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code, that a European platform for the online resolution of consumer disputes (the so-called ODR platform) has been established. The ODR platform is available at the following address; through the ODR platform, the consumer user can consult the list of ADR bodies, find the link to the website of each of them and initiate an online resolution procedure of the dispute in which he/she is involved. In any event, the consumer reserves the right to bring the dispute arising from these General Terms and Conditions of Sale before the competent ordinary court, regardless of the outcome of the out-of-court settlement procedure for disputes relating to consumer relations through recourse to the procedures referred to in Part V, Title II-bis of the Consumer Code.



ECOTRIO LABS is a young company with a team full of enthusiasm and desire to work. Our priority is the satisfaction and trust of our customers. If you have any questions and/or want to request any information and/or send communications and/or submit corrections and/or comments about sales, orders, products, payments and shipments, you can do so through these channels:


By writing an e-mail to the customer service e-mail address: .

Telephone: 633 41 25 29 (opening hours: weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

Contact form you will find on the ECOTRIO LABS contact page

Thank you very much!

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